My inspiration for this entry came after I received a phone call from Iraq at o' dark-thirty this morning from CamE, my best friend who is currently stationed at Tallil. It was great to hear her voice and I was pleased to find out that her morale is doing well and that the convoys she goes on don't sound super dangerous. She whacked her head good on the radio in her rig and gashed it wide open, so she is currently recovering from that. She can't get her helmet on, so what to do? She is getting some alone time since her platoon/brigade (I forget all the lingo) is out and about. After some weird peeping-tom at the shower action the other night, I advised her not to go anywhere alone. There are so many things to worry about as far as her safety is concerned while she is over there. I can't wait until she is back safely. I want to share some of my favorite photographs of hers that she sent me. What a trooper. She could always kick my ass when we were kids too. She has been my best friend since we were 2 years old. We grew up together and went to school together and there is nobody in this world that understands each other like we do.......we have shared so many key moments, she truly is my sister. I love you Cam!!
Another dear friend, Erin, is having a baby. This is a huge moment and a marked change in our lives. I am very excited for her and I am so happy that the baby is growing healthy and strong. She is having a little girl and is due March 10th. Like we always say, spring babies are the best (right Jen?), but then we may be bias since ares are in March and April. She is going to be a great mom and her husband Doug is smart, down to earth and laid back-very important attributes. Being the daughter of a man that took me bird watching and hiking a lot as a young child, Doug will be an awesome dad. Molly will be a top-notch female. What a lucky little baby. Here is her picture when she was just the size of a kumquat. She is no longer just the 'little bean' that she used to be. She has organs and lungs, little fingers and toes and is moving around. I can't wait to meet her! Good luck, Erin!
My bosom buddy and moon-sister, Allison, is also a blessing in my life. She is a woman of adventure and she inspires me to break out of my shell. I am a bit more reserved and shy than her, but not because I really want to be. Although, to my credit, I befriended her by randomly asking her if she wanted to go camping in the snow, in the Utah Manti-La Sals and ramble the country side with me for three days. I could just tell she was a cool chick. She had just started working with me at Carver's on Main St. in Durango, CO, back in early '03. We had a blast, rambling the canyon rims, scampering full speed down rocky hill slopes, through the scrub oak, pinons and junipers. We whipped and tore my Subaru wagon up snowy and muddy forest service roads. I remember asking her if she was scared and she simply said, "no, I can tell you've done this before". My kind of gal. We camped on a flat sandstone bench that night, under the bright Utah stars, in the middle of nowhere. We've been buddies ever since. She lives in Costa Rica for most of the year, living on the land and organically farming. During the summer of '06 when she was back, I drove to northern California to visit her. We headed out for another one of our adventures together, with a trip to the coast. On our way over the coast range, we hiked in the Redwoods and then went to a natural hotspring that she had been to before. We were on a bit of a schedule, since we needed to make our way to the coast and find a camp spot before dark. The lady at the front desk of the hotspring informed us that they were full with too many people and that if we wanted to go in we would have to come back later. Well, that just didn't jive with our plan, and she was going in there, dang it. The place was a resort, compound-like thing, so we just acted like we were going to hang out and wait or look around. With much coaxing, she convinced me to a) get totally naked in front of strangers and b) sneak into this place and poach the hotsprings. Both are things I would never have done on my own, but it was also the most fun I had had in a long time! Our law breaking wasn't done that night yet. You aren't supposed to camp on the beaches in CA, but that rule also doesn't fit into Allie's world view, bless her heart. So, we totally poached that as well, and it was one of the most gorgeous and magical nights I have spent. The marine air and fog was a silver mist over the stars and we slept in the sand to the rhythm of the waves crashing into the small cove where our tent was pitched. We just got up in the morning and broke-down the evidence real fast and then hung out all morning like we just got there......perfect.

And my friend Jen. We have shared some pretty cool adventures and moments together, and she has been a huge part of my life for the last 9 years. Her laughter, positive energy and determination are wonderful to be around. We have traveled and climbed and skied all over the place, and I have gotten to spend some of the best times in my life with her. Like splitting one celebratory beer 5 pitches up a wall at Red Rock, or riding the large granite formations in Joshua Tree, one which looked exactly like erect male genitalia, or living and climbing in Maple Canyon Utah for close to a month, or our debotcherous early-season, no-snow trip to Whistler, to name a few. What a gal.
The loss of one dear friend has made me want to let everyone know how special they are to me and how much their friendship enhances my life. Thanks,'re all an inspiration to me.
Thanks Camille, don't forget how inspiring you are to all of us and how lucky we are to have you in our lives as well :)
That warmed my cockles.
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