I cannot believe that the time is finally here. Bush has only minutes left in his reign of stupidity.
Oooooh, and he loves power. Poor little fellow. A moment of silence for every stupid, evil and self-motivated thing he did. But, then there aren't enough moments in one day. Just to clarify, I detested the weasel from day one. I have come to loath him within the last eight years as he proved all of my negative perceptions about him correct. Good riddance. Go crawl back to your ranch, you were there most of your "presidency" anyways. And, P.S......you are a horrible example of a Christian. May the
fiery gates swing wide open. Maybe he'll be wearing this.....
He even looks like a chimp, only they are smarter.Instead, it is time to celebrate a new day in America. But for perspective on today, you must
unfortunately remember the past. Today is for every slave ripped from their tribe, brought here in shackles (if you were lucky enough to survive the journey), their culture, clothes and family stripped from them, made to work fields you cared nothing for, your humanity taken, all while being beaten and raped. Remember, if you were black (
insert other word here), you were only 3/5
th a person, but that was just a
technicality...you were really nothing. That math was for somebody else. It was
only 50 years ago that segregation still existed, the N-word flowed freely and blacks were still treated like livestock. Today is a day, in all of its ugly days, that the USA can be proud. Obama has the right heart and mind at the appropriate time. But, it is a wonderful day in America when he is judged for his intelligence and for the quality of man he is
internally. Thank God the day has come that
credentials have little if anything to do with the color of your silly skin. Humans are manipulative creatures. So, celebrate the end of evil and the beginning of something different. Don't let the White House door hit you in the ass on the way out, Georgie. Get ready for a black man to show you how its done.