The Photo Journey...............

People started scrambling around weird when we rode by.....hmmm?
Definitely out of service.....

(illegal entry into Canada)

(illegal re-entry into U.S.)

Built in the 1830s on the bluff above Hudson Bay Co. Fort Colville just north of Kettle Falls
Catholic and Protestant missionaries trying to baptize and convert the Natives
Restored in 1938-1940 using historical tools and craftsmanship
Prehistoric and historic burials nearby
Portage route around Kettle Falls went right by here

Amphibolite erratic
Associated with major mountain building events when mafic igneous rocks (basalts and gabbros) are metamorphosed through depth of burial
Relocated near St. Paul's mission from Hayes Island, just north of Kettle Falls
Representing thousands of years of knife sharpening to butcher salmon caught at Kettle Falls
1 comment:
Very cool stuff Camille! Did you find out how much longer you'll be up in that area?
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